Parents » Eligibility for Prekindergarten

Eligibility for Prekindergarten

The information included below explains rules and requirements for pre-kindergarten. It also provides required documentation for students who are eligible. 


Eligibility for Prekindergarten 




  • Be unable to speak and comprehend the English language
  • Be educationally disadvantaged, 这意味着学生有资格参加国家免费或减价午餐计划
  • Be homeless, as defined by 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 1143a, regardless of the residence of the child, of either parent of the child, or of the child's guardian or other person having lawful control of the child
  • Be the child of an active-duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority; or is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty
  • Be in, or have been in, 家庭和保护服务部(DFPS)在第262节规定的对抗性听证会之后的监护.201, Family Code


Documentation for Prekindergarten



English Language Learners



  • Home language survey: School districts must be administered the home language survey in English and Spanish; for students of other language groups, 学区必须尽可能将母语调查翻译成母语. The home language survey must contain the following questions (19 TAC §89.1215 (b))

    • What language is spoken in your home most of the time?
    • What language does your child (do you) speak most of the time?
    • What language do you speak most of the time?
  • Proof of a qualifying score on an approved Oral Language Proficiency Test. The school district must document the official scores in the student's records.

  • 有限能力评估委员会认定该学生为英语学习者的证明文件.
Educationally Disadvantaged



Acceptable documentation for earnings (wages and salary) include:


  • Current paycheck stub
  • Current pay envelope
  • Letter from employer stating gross wages paid and how often they are paid
  • Unemployment, Worker's Compensation, or Disability payment stub


Acceptable documentation for self-employment income includes:


  • Business or farming documents, such as ledger books or self-issued paycheck stub
  • Last year's tax return (Self-employment)




When providing written evidence of proof of income, 家长或与学生有亲属关系的人必须在核实前提交证明家庭在当月收入的文件. The document ought to contain the name of the person standing in parental relation, and amount of income, and the date received. A pay stub with no date would be insufficient. 报告的总收入是指经常性收到的任何款项,包括总收入. Specifically, gross income means all money earned before any deductions, such as income taxes, employee's social security taxes, insurance premiums, bonds, and charitable contributions.


For additional sources and examples of income documentation, refer to the Administrator's Reference Manual (ARM) (outside source) for Texas Child Nutrition Programs.



因为无家可归而符合资格的学生必须符合42u定义的无家可归者.S.C. Section 11302 and 42 U.S.C. Section 11434(a). (Refer to "FAQs" for definition of "homeless")



Students who qualify because they are the child of an active duty, injured, or killed member of the armed forces of the United States, 包括国家军事力量或者武装力量的预备役部队,必须有下列文件备案:


  • 学区工作人员为现役军人子女核实学生美国国防部(DoD)照片身份的文件. 该文件必须包括验证身份的人的打印姓名和签名以及验证日期.

    If the student has not been issued such an ID, 然后,必须存档的文件表明,地区雇员核实了军人的国防部照片身份证明(或其他国防部颁发的文件,表明该人是现役军人),并核实了证明该学生是军人子女的文件. 存档的文件必须包括验证DoD和其他文件的人员的打印姓名和签名以及验证日期, 以及证明该学生是军人子女的文件复印件.

    Important: Your district should not make a copy of DoD identification.

  • 为现役成员的子女提供的人力资源安装助理总干事的服务声明, mobilized reservists, or members of the Texas National Guard. 该办公室将使用军事人事系统和文件来核实该服务成员实际上是在德克萨斯州的现役或德克萨斯州动员的预备役人员. For Texas National Guard members (army or air guard), 德克萨斯州国民警卫队的副官办公室可以提供文件或指挥官的正式信函(中校或中校以上), for the navy, at the commander level) confirming active or mobilized status, which is acceptable documentation.

  • A copy of the death certificate using the service-appropriate DoD form, or a DoD form that indicates death as the reason for the separation from service, for children of service members who died or were killed. If the DoD form is not available, 家属会要求最近的伤亡地区指挥部(德克萨斯州)的伤亡援助办公室提供一份由伤亡办公室签署的备忘录,说明该军人在行动中阵亡或在服役期间死亡.
  • 紫心勋章:在战斗中受伤或受伤的服役人员或动员的预备役人员或警卫人员的子女获得的紫心勋章或奖状的副本.

  • 现役军人或被动员的预备役人员或警卫人员的子女在服役期间受伤但被 not wounded or injured in combat.

    If this documentation is not available, (中校或中校以上的)指挥官的正式信件副本, for the navy, 在指挥官级别)声明服役人员在服役期间受伤或受伤是可以接受的.


  • 为失踪军人的子女提供证明服务人员是失踪军人的文件.


Department of Family and Protective Services

DFPS将向符合资格的学生的家长或照顾者邮寄幼儿园前资格的验证信,因为他们是, or ever have been, 在对手听证会后由家庭和保护服务部监护, as provided by Section 262.201, Family Code.


地区必须接受DFPS信件作为这些孩子进入免费学前班的资格证明. For assistance in obtaining a letter, please contact the DFPS Education Specialist 在你的地区寻求帮助或其他形式的资格证明的描述.